Hein, AM and VK Sridharan. Submitted. A tidal ratchet mechanism drives salmon migrations through a decade of flood and drought.
Fahimipour, AK, MA Gil, and AM Hein. In Revision. Behavioral plasticity and the valence of indirect interactions. (Preprint: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.08.15.608151)
Brose et al. (incl. AM Hein). In Revision. The information network of nature: embedding information flows within ecological networks. Nature Ecology & Evolution.
Gil, MA, Olivetti, S, Sridharan, VK, and AM Hein. Accepted. Integrating landscapes of fear and energy reveals the behavioral strategies that drive predator-prey interactions. Ecology Letters.
Martin, BT, Sparks, D, Hein, AM, & Liao, JC. 2024. Fish couple forecasting with feedback control to chase and capture moving prey. Proc. Roy. Soc. B.
Belcher et al. & AM Hein (Sr. author). 2023. Demystifying image-based machine learning: A practical guide to automated analysis of field imagery using modern machine learning tools. Frontiers in Marine Science. (open access).
Fahimipour, AK, Gil, MA, Celis, MR, Hein, GF, Martin, BT and Hein, AM, 2023. Wild animals suppress the spread of socially transmitted misinformation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 120(14), p.e2215428120. (pdf)
Sridharan, VK, Jackson, D, Hein, AM, Perry, RW, Pope, AC, Hendrix, N and Danner, EM. 2023. Simulating the migration dynamics of juvenile salmonids through rivers and estuaries using a hydrodynamically driven enhanced particle tracking model. Ecological Modeling, 482.110393. (pdf)
Hein, AM. 2022. Ecological decision-making: From circuit elements to emerging principles. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. DOI: 10.1016/j.conb.2022.102551. (pdf)
Martin, BT, MA Gil, AK Fahimipour, AM Hein. 2022. Informational constraints on predator-prey interactions. Oikos. w022, p.e08143. (pdf) https://doi.org/10.1111/oik.08143
Olivetti, S, MA Gil, VK Sridharan, AM Hein. 2021. Merging computational fluid dynamics and machine learning to reveal animal migration strategies. Methods Ecol. Evol. (pdf). DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.13604
Pellegrini, A , AM Hein, J Cavender-Bares , RA Montgomery , AC Staver, F Silla, SE Hobbie, and PB Reich. 2021. Disease and fire interact to influence transitions between savanna-forest ecosystems over a multi-decadal experiment. Ecology Letters (pdf). DOI: 10.1111/ele.13719
Gil, MA, ML Baskett, SB Munch. AM Hein. 2020. Fast behavioral feedbacks make ecosystems sensitive to pace and not just magnitude of environmental change. PNAS (pdf). https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2003301117. [Media Coverage: WIRED, ScienMag, Phys.org] — 2020 PNAS Cozzarelli Prize Winner [UCSC Press Release]
Brumley, DR, F Carrara, AM Hein, SA Levin, R Stocker. 2020. Cutting through the noise: bacterial chemotaxis in marine microenvironments. Frontiers in Marine Science (pdf).
Hein, AM, DL Altshuler, DE Cade, JC Liao, BT Martin, GK Taylor. 2020. An algorithmic approach to natural behavior. Current Biology 30:R663-R675. (pdf).
Hein, AM, BT Martin. 2020. Information limitation and the dynamics of coupled ecological systems. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4:82-90 (pdf). [Coverage: NEE News & Views piece on the paper, F1000 recommendation: “Exceptional” rating]
Pilkiewicz, K and B Lemasson et al. inccl. AM Hein. 2020. Decoding collective communications from the individual’s perspective using Information Theory tools. J. R. Soc. Interface 17:20190563. (open access)
Carrara, F, DR Brumley, AM Hein, Y Yawata, MM Salek, KS Lee, E Sliwerska, SA Levin, R Stocker. 2020. A method for generating controlled, dynamic chemical landscapes to study microbial behavior. J. Visualized Experiments 155.
Sridharan, VK, AM Hein. 2019. Analytical solution of advection‐dispersion boundary value processes in environmental flows. Water Resources Research. 55:10130– 10143. (pdf)
Brumley, DR, F Carrara, AM Hein, Y Yuwata, SA Levin, R Stocker. 2019. Bacteria push the limits of sensory precision to navigate dynamic chemical Gradients. PNAS 116 (22) 10792-10797 (pdf) [Media Coverage: Phys.org, Pursuit] — Cover Article
Hein, AM, MA Gil, CR Twomey, ID Couzin, SA Levin. 2018. Conserved behavioral circuits govern high-speed decision making in wild fish shoals. PNAS 115:12224-12228. (pdf) [Media Coverage: Phys.org, Science Daily, UCSC News, Santa Cruz Press]
Gil, MA, AM Hein, O Spiegel, M Baskett, and A Sih. 2018. Social information can link individual behavior to ecological dynamics. Trends Ecol. Evol. (pdf)[Media Coverage: Aggie]
Martin, BT, SB Munch, and AM Hein. 2018. Reverse-engineering ecological theory from data. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 285: 20180422.(pdf)
Hughey, L, AM Hein, A Strandburg-Peshkin, and F Jensen. 2018. Challenges and solutions for studying collective animal behavior in the wild. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B. 373: 20170005. (pdf)
Gil*, MA and AM Hein*. 2017. Social interactions among grazing reef fish drive material flux in a coral reef ecosystem. PNAS 114(18):4703-4708. (pdf) (*equal contribution) [Media Coverage: Phys.org, Science Daily, International Business Times, AXIOS, Public News, Yale e360] — Cover Article
Ache, BW, AM Hein, YV Bobkov, JC Principe. 2016. Smelling time: a neural basis for olfactory scene analysis. Trends in Neuroscience 39:649-655. (pdf)
Hein, AM, F Carrara, D. Brumley, R Stocker, and SA Levin. 2016. Natural search algorithms as a bridge between organisms, evolution, and ecology. PNAS 113:9413-9420. (pdf)
Hein, AM, D. Brumley, F Carrara, R Stocker, and SA Levin. 2016. Physical limits on bacterial navigation in dynamic environments. J. Royal Society Interface. 3: 20150844. (pdf) and correction to an equation here
Park, I, AM Hein, YV Bobkov, MA Reidenbach, B Ache, and JC Principe. 2016. Neurally encoding time for olfactory navigation. PLoS Comp. Biol. 12(1): e1004682. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004682 (pdf)
Hein*, AM, SB Rosenthal*, GI Hagstrom*, A Berdahl, CJ Torney, and ID Couzin. 2015. The evolution of distributed sensing and collective computation in animal populations. eLife 4:e10955 doi:10.7554/eLife.10955 (pdf). (*equal contribution)
Gillooly, JF, AM Hein, and R Damiani. 2015. Nuclear DNA content varies with cell size across human cell types in Size Control in Biology, from Organelles to Organisms Eds. Rebecca Heald, David Wake, & Iswar Hariharan editors (Cold Spring Harbor Press).
Stier*, AC , AM Hein*, V Parravicini, and M Kulbicki. 2014. Larval dispersal drives trophic structure across Pacific coral reefs. Nature Communications 5:5575 doi: 10.1038/ncomms6575 (pdf).(*equal contribution).
Fahimipour, AK and AM Hein. 2014. The dynamics of assembling food webs. Ecology Letters. 17:606-613 (pdf) — ESA Frost Award for outstanding paper in aquatic ecology
Hein, AM and SA McKinley. 2013. Sensory information and encounter rates of interacting species. PLoS Comp. Biol. 9: e1003178. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003178 (pdf).
Hein, AM and SA McKinley. 2012. Sensing and decision-making in random search. PNAS. 109:12070-12074 (pdf)
Hein, AM, C Hou, and J F Gillooly. 2012. Energetic and biomechanical constraints on animal migration distance. Ecology Letters. 15:104-110. (pdf)
Hein, AM and KJ Keirsted. 2012. The rising cost of warming waters: Effects of temperature on the cost of swimming in fish. Biology Letters. 8:266-269. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2011.0885. (pdf)
Hein, A M and J F Gillooly. 2011. Predators, prey, and transient states in the assembly of spatially structured communities. Ecology 92:549-555. (pdf)
Ray, JM , AM Hein, A Gonzalez, S Goetz, and M Miller. 2011. Imantodes cenchoa (Brown Blunt-Nosed Vine Snake) Maximum Size. Herp. Review 42:614-615.
Ray, J M , AM Hein, A Gonzalez, S Goetz, and M Miller. 2011. Imantodes cenchoa (Brown Blunt-Nosed Vine Snake) Diet. Herp. Review 42:100.
Hein, AM, and C Guyer. 2009. Hibernaculum selection and overwintering body temperatures of Cottonmouth snakes (Agkistrodon piscivorus). J. Alabama Acad. Sci. 80:35-43. — AAS Carmichael award for outstanding paper of 2009
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